Hey there! I’m Sara—so glad you’re here.
I figure you want to get to know the person who is perhaps going to read your birthchart or run a workshop you are coming to.To make this more fun, astrological and not just a list of things l have done or learned l thought l would let you know a bit about my birthchart and how this has related to my life journey.
I am a Aries Sun, movement has always been a big part of my life, l always knew l wanted to be a dancer and l made a pretty quick exit out of my home town in Scotland to the Big Smoke (London) l learned recently about an Aries trait that l very much concur with- intense power in the present moment with high levels of focus that leaves no trace, tibetan monks who create intricate sand paintings then rake them away. In a sense my career as a dancer has felt like that l don't have a lot of documentation, during it nothing mattered to me but the moment. I worked with many inspiring choreographers, artists and projects and l found so much joy being in creative mode in sweaty studios exploring the many ways we can move our bodies in order to move audiences and tell stories. My Moon is in Leo so the stage was always a natural fit l always loved the connection you could hold with an audience and the energy of being in the light.
My deep love of astrology l think comes from the fact that l am a Scorpio Rising with Uranus in the first house, l have always been interested in how the mind works and the process of transformation which has led me into many a metaphysical bookshop and down the jungle path to the Ayahuasca maloka. My Dad was a Psychiatric nurse (also Scorpio Rising) so we would always talk through issues from a very psychological perspective and l think l learned so much from him in how to hold space and conversation in a therapeutic way. Before I studied astrology “properly” l was constantly in Watkins book shop searching, always knowing for me there was some sort of answer hidden within. Scorpios like to dive deep into subjects and l always have about eight books on my bedside table. After watching The Holy Mountain by Alexandro Jodorowsky his interpretation of the planets in this very theatrical way awakened something in me and from 2013 l started to study in a more focused way and took courses in Evolutionary Astrology and an apprenticeship course with the wonderful astrologer Adam Sommer. Currently l am deepening my studies of Ancient Hellenistic Astrology with Nightlight Astrology.
In astrology it also matters what house a planet is in. My sun is in the 6th house and it means my heroes journey if you like is also to be of service, l began teaching Yoga in 2011 and have taught regular class for 12 years. I teach hot yoga (sun and moon in fire signs!) l love how it helps people in the process of transformation of not just the body but the spirit and the day to day ritual of showing up and becoming present with what is.
Becoming a mother of two boys Cosmo and Art has been my most fulfilling and toughest gig to date. My life journey of dance, performance, yoga, psychology, motherhood and interest in many wisdom traditions and paths all shape and inform the way l share astrology with you.